August 12, 2011

50 lbs of Frozen Yogurt

Ruby's picked up some poor eating habits, and I've begun to be concerned about her health. I mean, she already has her skin condition to worry about. I'm just stepping in as a concerned friend.

A concerned friend whose friend is in denial.

Mac still has feelings for Lobo, and now he's going strong. He's bumped his attempts to win Lobo's affection up a notch, this time with a bouquet.

I found Kaitlin's counterpart crying helplessly in my town. Really, if you're going to be traveling with your small child, you can't just unknowingly leave them in an entirely different village. Who does that?

At least she's good for watering my flowers.

My attempt to ger her out of town was a bit morbid, but it was worth a shot.

This was obligatory.

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